About the IAAS Wall of Remembrance |
Your financial support for the Irish American Archives Society enables the Society to operate—to administer the annual
Walks of Life dinner and award, to organize talks and other “heritage” events, to share displays about historical topics with community groups.
This year, we’re adding a new giving program that allows you to support the Society and its mission at the same time that it alllows you to
commemorate your Irish ancestors on an electronic “Wall of Remembrance.”
Here’s how the program works:
- Donors at the $99 level will be able to commemorate an individual with Irish roots and Cleveland connections on the IAAS website. (IAAS Life Members and former Walks of Life honorees will be able to participate at a $75 donation level.)
- Additional multiple names can be submitted at the same time for an additional donation of $79 per individual. (IAAS Life Members and former Walks of Life honorees will be able to add additional names at a $65 donation level.)
- To submit information for a commemorative profile and photograph, click here to download a submission form. The submission form can be emailed to iaasadmin@gmail.com or mailed to Irish American Archives Society, P.O. Box 91756, Cleveland, OH 44101-3756.
- The profiles will be placed on the Wall of Remembrance web page, which will list the names, each linking to a profile—as the names do on the Walks of Life Awards page. (The Wall of Remembrance page will go live in January.)
- The profiles will form a permanent memorial to Clevelanders of Irish descent; you can commemorate one ancestor this year and another one next year, and so on.
- Copies of the profiles will also be held in the Irish Archives collection at Western Reserve Historical Society.
This program will allow us to build a lasting tribute to our Irish ancestors. Who knows?
Perhaps one day we’ll be able to honor their names on an actual physical wall as well.
For now, don’t let “your people” become unidentified faces in old photographs, faded, torn, and discarded . . .
Memorialize Clevelanders of Irish ancestry on the IAAS “Wall of Remembrance.”
For further information, contact Margaret Lynch, IAAS Executive Director at iaasadmin@gmail.com or 216-941-5727.
Click here to visit the Wall of Remembrance.